Animal Farm Foundation (AFF) has been working nationally to secure equal treatment and opportunity for "pit bull" dogs since 1985. They offer many resources on pit bulls and breed specific legislation (BSL). They also provide many free handouts, posters, videos, and other literature to help you advocate for the pit bull.
BAD RAP is a leading source for information on training, owning, and advocating for the pit bull. What started as a resource for San Francisco bay area pit bull owners has become a national sensation. Valuable training advice can be found on their website:
StubbyDog focuses on changing public perceptions of pit bulls. Sample letters for landlords and property managers are provided on their site, as well as general information for owning a pit bull: is a campaign uniting all animal lovers and supporters with one voice for one goal: to end insurance and housing discrimination of pit bulls & their families. If you are looking for pit bull friendly housing, you can check their website:
Stand Up For Pits Foundation is a great resource about all positive things pit bull with a focus on fighting abuse and dog fighting in our communities